Heat of the Summer

This time of year things really start to heat up and dry out. The lawns start going from a lush green to dull, faded color. Plants start stressing and lose their vibrancy. For as much as we love the heat of the summer, it sure makes things difficult to maintain our yards as we would like them. The greatest difficulty is for those that do not have a sprinkler system installed. It is very time consuming and hard to keep up with keeping all of the lawn watered well. I know, I have dragged hoses around plenty of times. In some states many do not even have sprinkler systems. They usually get enough water from rainfall to keep things green, so if they have a dry spell they really struggle with their watering.

The other issue that many of us face in dry areas is watering restrictions. The only time to water may be in the middle of the day or in the middle of the night. I don't know about you, but I work during the day and I like to sleep at night. Getting up to water does not sound very appealing to me. Time limits are also an issue. You can easily forget to turn your water off or move it after it has been on long enough. I have at times woken up in the morning to see my sprinkler still on from the night before. Not a very good use of the water for sure.

I just wanted to tell you about a product that we have that can help solve a lot of these issues. It is called the YardCamel! This useful device gives you a mini sprinkler system in a box. since it is portable you can use it when you need it and put it away when you don't. It can be used to water the lawn, the garden, the flower beds and even the drip zones. It is often used for green roofs where they grow grass or other low growing plants on the top of buildings. You may be able to come up with ways to use it also. Many contractors use them to water the new sod they have just installed until it gets established. The main point is that it will help you enjoy the heat of the summer a little bit more! More time for what we really enjoy during the summer months!

You can check out a video for the YardCamel here. Enjoy your new freedom!

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